We are looking for sponsors so we can expand our services, events, and programs. We do not charge our young professional members a membership fee and we want keep it that way. It is our belief that there should be no barrier to entry to being a part of Northwoods Young Professionals. We are looking to host more professional development sessions, create workforce retention strategies for employers, and create a marketing campaign to draw young professionals to our area.
Current Sponsors:

By supporting us it will show young professionals that you are committed to their goals and foster an employee-first culture.
Large Business Sponsorship ($1,000)
Large Business (200+ employees) sponsorship includes:
- business logo on our website as a supporting sponsor, promotion on social media and on signage at events.
- share any position openings at your organization first
Medium Business Sponsorship ($500)
Medium Business (50-199 employees) sponsorship includes:
- business logo on our website as a supporting sponsor, promotion on social media and on signage at events.
- share any position openings at your organization first
Small Business Sponsorship ($250)
Small Business (1-49 employees) sponsorship includes:
- business logo on our website as a supporting sponsor, promotion on social media and on signage at events.
- share any position openings at your organization first
NYP is a non-stock corporation. A non-stock corporation is a corporation without stock. Non-stock corporations are the preferred form of corporation for nonprofit entities, volunteer-type organizations, and other organizations where individual ownership is not desired. Any funding or income received must go back into the organization, it cannot be paid out to any director/s. Common examples of non-stock corporations include: Civic organizations, clubs, schools, churches, business leagues, etc.