By working together we can help you retain and recruit your employees through our various programs.
Employee Retention:
People who make meaningful connections within their community are 70% less likely to leave.
How you can participate:
- Include information about Northwoods YP in your onboarding materials for new hires
- Encourage your employees to attend our events so they can make in-person connections
- Encourage your employees to sign up for LikeMinded, our friendship making app
- Sponsor our events and programming so we can do even more
- Employee retention: As employees feel more attached to an area through community involvement, they are more likely to stay in the area and with the same employer.
- Recruitment: Networking with current YPs can provide access to the current recruitment pool.
- Employee satisfaction: If you employees feel valued, connected, and a part of the community they will be happier – making your workplace even more positive.
Employee Recruitment:
Use Handshake

A all-in-one early talent recruiting platform connecting you to current students and alumni across 90% of the top educational institutions, including Nicolet College, in the US.
Share Jobs With Us
Send us your job postings so we can share them with our YPs on social media, in our newsletter, or at our social meetup events. This is completely FREE!
Send your job descriptions and a link to northwoodsyp@gmail.com or to one of our social media accounts on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook.